Platyoceandanthes amabilisum (Streams of Consciousness in a Sea of Being)

Or In a Constant State of Flux, and yet Unmoving

by G.E.B.S. GEBShelton



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/29/2023

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 268
ISBN : 9781665748704
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 268
ISBN : 9781665748698
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 268
ISBN : 9781665750868

About the Book

The author utilizes metaphor, simile and the occasional reference to make one ponder and self-reflect. Through the use of streams of conscious, he encourages self-hypnosis or creative visualization that allows us to imagine our capabilities or to see our possibilities before making changes in our lives. Stressing the importance of remaining child-like when appropriate, allowing whimsey and daydreaming to stay an active exercise in our lives, the author stresses the importance of seeing what we are looking at, like a visual artist, but with word usage. A repeated theme places us on a cruise ship, staring out to where the sea meets the sky. By allowing ourselves to look outside of ourselves, we try to find meaning in our lives. Another repeated theme is that of defining or characterizing entities in ways to establish order and place expectations so that we conform or behave in ways as others would expect us to perform or behave. The author would encourage us to challenge such defining and characterizations, in order to develop a stronger sense of who we are. Bonus writings relating to changes imposed upon us by Covid and other World events, should seem meaningful to all of us, and likely in very different ways. Do you think we have learned anything from our Covid experiences? Would the author’s use of metaphor improve how we see ourselves, and our places in other people's lives? Spotting a sea serpent along the voyage would add even more self-awareness and insight.

About the Author

Acknowledging that he is one generation down from the plow, Dr. Shelton shares that in order to know where we can go, we must maintain a connection to our beginnings. The author was born in Illinois and has lived in Colorado, Florida and now NYC. With his clinical doctorate, he feels honored and rewarded to assist with promoting connections to all peoples.